Pearl Jam - Ten

Before anyone else says that�s the lamest, most unoriginal intro ever. I agree with you there but it simply gets my point across that Pearl Jam and bands like them were always in the shadow of Nirvana as sad as that sounds. To be honest, Nirvana is my least favourite grunge band with Alice In Chains first and Pearl Jam coming second. This album reminds of the sunny out-burst of Florida and there is a simple reason why. I bought it in the airport going to the States and for the whole of that 8 hour trip, it included getting up and down to the bathroom several times, watching the movie (it was Cat in the Hat, it sucked) and getting used to Ten. At first, the fast grunge songs were the only thing I enjoyed but through my two-week stay at the sun state, I learned to gradually like most of the songs. A quick glance at the singles and it doesn�t seem that the album is that good in terms of overall quality but it pieces together perfectly when you get a listen for it all the way through. The album was quite surprising as the majority of the songs are quite quiet and while the fast rock songs are a treat, they don�t hold a candle to the ballad like songs. Black, Oceans and Garden are absolutely god-like and they are really touching. Black is a slow arty song, which shows some of Eddie�s best vocals. The amount of emotion in the song just touches me every time and the slow clean guitar just top the effect of nicely.


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