Inglourious Basterds - The Movie Soundtrack

Genre: Soundtrack Styles: Original Soundtrack / 14 tracks

Nick Perito - the Green Leaves of Summer, Ennio Morricone - the Verdict, Charles Bernstein - White Lightning, Billy Preston - Slaughter, Ennio Morricone - the Surrender....


Sean Bradley said...

This soundtrack was really inventive in the way sound was used to illustrate a movie that is more dialogue oriented rather than action oriented. It was a replacement for the lack of action scenes. It helped bring about suspense, intrigue as well as joy and happiness. The sound helped move the film along. There was not a moment where the music was out of place. Everything fit perfectly. It reminded me alot of Johnny Greenwood, who is Radiohead's guitarist, who did the soundtrack for the movie Bodysong.

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