The action, the main action in the film starts with a Tsunami in south east Asia. A lead character, Marie Lelay, played by Cecile de France, (supernatural drama) hard-edged news reporter gets caught in the rising waters, drowns, and has a near-death experience. (experience during a powerful tsunami) She experiences the afterlife before coming back to this 1. This experience changes her life from a skeptic. (De France) The other hero, George Lonegan, played by Matt Damon, is a reluctant psychic. There is also a young boy searching for answers about death. I won't reveal more of the plot.
This is a gentle and thoughtful film, (psychological Drama) well acted and well directed, but it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. (afterlife) Like why the Matt is so reluctant to help people? Why he feels compelled to tell people all the negative things he "sees"? I have met psychics who do this on a daily basis, who are much better, much more psychic, who tell their clients more than the Damon character. They are not bothered by having this gift at all.
The main action here is the tsunami, (near-death-experience) in the first ten minutes. The rest is lowe story with a lot of synchronicities. These synchronicities tend to happen to and around psychics and not to most skeptics. The world (intersecting lives) expands or contracts depending upon our expectation of it (!) I had expected Eastwood would do more with his themes, but he didn't. he chose to stick close the the generally agreed reality. I would have liked to see more hereafter in Hereafter.
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